Macy’s is ccurrently having a designer handbag sale, and they’ve got some great deals on some very pretty bags. I see some crazy cute styles from brand names like Coach, Michael Kors, Calvin Klein, Vera Bradley and more and the prices start as low as $21.99! On top of their already reduced pricing you can also save an additional 15% off your purchase when you enter coupon code BAGIT at checkout.
Add that all up and you’re looking at some awesome prices on some amazing bags!
For those of you who love to shop Macy’s like I do, you’ll be happy to know that Macy’s has partnered with our friends over at for another gift card awesome giveaway! This time TWENTY winners will each score a $50 Macy’s gift card, and the entries are super easy – simply head on over here and enter your email address. Easy peasy!
- Thursday, January 22nd at 12:00 AM ET to Sunday, January 25th at 11:59 PM ET.
- Twenty (20) winners will receive a $50.00 gift card to purchase a designer handbag, or for use on any purchase at
The winners will be chosen via a lottery drawing and notified on Tuesday (1/27) via the email address they used to enter.
See complete Official Rules for entry instructions, full prize descriptions, restrictions and other important details.
So what are you waiting for? Head on over here to enter!